It’s Healthy, fluffy and Packed with protein in a way you won’t imagine!

When i recommend cottage cheese to my clients alot of them cannot handle the idea, so i had to figure out how to make them benefit with an amazing food like cottage cheese specially that it is high in protein low in fat comparing to other cheeses!
100g of cottage cheese contains:
12.5g Protein.
2.68g Carbohydrates.
4.51g Fat.
let’s dig deep to the ingredients:
Healthy Pancakes: ( Mix all ingredients in the blender with a part of your daily portion of milk or water)
· 1/4 Cup Oats,20 G
· 50 G Cottage Cheese, 2.5 Tablespoons.
· 1 Egg ,50g.
· ½ tsp baking powder.
· Any sweetener of your choice.
· 1 Tsp Honey.
Note: Use no stick zero calorie spray in the pan or a little bit of coconut oil with a silicon brush.